Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to be happy, but what if everything is taken away from you because you are forced to leave your home due to war or a natural disaster?
While fleeing, you lose your loved ones, your children, and even your status along the way. As a teacher, architect, engineer, doctor, construction worker, dentist, etc., you are suddenly labeled a ‘refugee.’ As an individual, you are grouped into a closed camp, living in uncertainty in a country that doesn’t speak your language. From ‘happy’ to ‘fortune seeker.’ Everyone in the world naturally seeks their own happiness, making us all fortune seekers.
What makes you happy?
Going to France with your partner and caravan?
The number of likes on your latest post?
Finally getting out of the misery of a divorce?
Or simply having a status, the recognition that you exist and have a right to be here?
For the fifty people portrayed, the latter is currently a priority. The feeling of warmth, being seen, and building a safe existence. Freedom and safety. This is the theme within every asylum seekers’ center.
We have created a Europe where things are simply good. Freedom, safety, and happiness are almost taken for granted. Others have to work harder for it; they come from further away. They too deserve to be seen. They must be seen.
Meet fifty people with dreams, determination, and zest for life. Look at them and realize…