

About this project

This conceptual series is an ode to the V&D department store, considered the first warehouse in the Netherlands. The series “PrijzenCircus” is a photo story that follows Veronique Doornzon through all the departments of V&D as she tells her story.

“Veronique Doornzon is a stylishly dressed middle-aged lady who loved shopping at V&D, or as she preferred to call it, ‘Dreesman.’ It made her happy. She was once married to a rather dull man, but he earned well. Unfortunately, in a cliché turn of events, he left her for a younger woman. Every month, she still receives a substantial alimony from her ex-husband. She made sure of that! She shopped exclusively at V&D because it felt like home to her. The clothes just fit her well. And that mysterious man who worked there? She found him quite interesting. But unfortunately, he wasn’t much of a talker.”

History of V&D

As early as 1887, Willem Vroom and Anton Dreesmann joined forces to advance together. In 1912, this collaboration led to the establishment of the first Vroom and Dreesmann (V&D) department store on Kalverstraat in Amsterdam. In 2015, the chain went bankrupt, and in 2016, the last department store closed its doors.

The closhing exhibition

The exhibition ran as a route through the old V&D building in Alkmaar (Netherlands). Unfortunately, there are no photos of the exhibition itself anymore, but you can see the entrance in the photo’s, as well as the announcement poster and a small impressions of the set. For the storyline and execution of the entire project, the brothers “Akkerman” joined forces and created an entertaining series.

This series came together in a very short time, with Rick Akkerman’s photography and Davy Akkerman’s expertise as an artist and spatial designer being essential.


2016 | V&D Building | Alkmaar, Netherlands | Visitors Approx. 10.000

This project was made possible by:

Rick Akkerman | Art-Director Davy Akkerman

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