

About this project

This is an initiative by Ema Najetovic: 50 portraits of refugees from 16 different nationalities taken at the asylum seekers’ center in Alkmaar, Netherlands.

It is a project where we used a mobile studio in a kind of construction trailer to photograph people. Some had only been in the Netherlands for a few weeks, having just fled from Syria. Others had been in the Netherlands much longer, up to ten years, waiting for a status. Communication during the photography was limited due to the language barrier. However, we did ask people about their greatest wish. The eyes say it all; you can read a lot in them.

Intro Text

Do you close your eyes for current world problems or do you dwell on it?

Where do you go when there is no way out?

Would you run if war is imminent?

How would you feel in a camp with 1001 other cultures?

What would you have left if you leave everything behind?

Could you imagine having no status anymore?

What would you wish for if you have nothing?

We are fifty refugees that are looking for eye contact.

Eyecontact with the western world. Eyecontact with you.

Can you see me?

We invite you to connect with us, do we have something in common?

Of course, look closely……

We all have eyes to see and to shut.

The closhing exhibition

The photos were displayed on Christmas Eve 2015 at Hal25 in Alkmaar, Netherlands. This was during “De Zalige Kerstvlucht,” an event to which asylum seekers were also invited. More than 80 residents of the Alkmaar asylum seekers’ center attended. They were brought by shuttle buses. There was a large communal dinner where everyone brought a traditional dish from their own country. Beautiful connections were made through sharing food and being together.


2015 | HAL25 | Alkmaar, Netherlands | Visitors Approx. 3.000

This project was made possible by:

Ema Najetovic | Rick Akkerman | Stichting De Vrolijkheid | VSBfonds

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